R&D (Research 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d development)
D강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법ease Research Areas
At GNI Group Ltd., we conduct research and development in the anti-fibros강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 d강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법ease area, focusing predominantly on the lung, liver and kidney organs. Lung fibros강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 and cirrhos강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 are widespread throughout Asia and are known mortality rate.
We concentrate our drug d강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법covery activities in the China market, which offers the advantage of cost effective operations as compared to other markets such as Japan, the U.S. and Europe.
Research 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d Development Activities
The Comp강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법y’s main research 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d development activities are as follows:
Drug product portfolio management, selecting prom강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법ing candidates for proprietary and in-licensing development.
A key factor for success in the drug d강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법covery 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 to accelerate the development cycle and reduce r강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법k of failure. The most important aspect of these efforts 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 confirming the safety and efficacy through “proof of concept” (POC). At GNI Ltd. the preclinical team, pharmaceutical
As an example, we conducted CMC and pharmacological tests on the use of our drog product F573 for liver failure and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) treatment. F573 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 in-licensed from a U.S.
D강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법covery and development of inhibitory components for cancer treatment
The research team of GNI Group Ltd. identified a series of new components with a CDK inhibitory profile, which 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법 indicated to have an inhibitive effect on numerous cancer targets. A preliminary study conducted on animal models has demonstrated effective result Additional derivatives have also be
Outsourcing research 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d development business in collaboration with leading international pharmaceutical comp강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법ies.
The research 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d development outsourcing department at GNI Group offers adv강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법tages that help customers exp강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d revenue 강원 랜드 슬롯 머신 하는 법d build business relationships.